ARJA is pleased to offer Introduction to the Practice of Restorative Justice in Criminal Matters, a virtual course focused on the application of Restorative Justice in the criminal justice setting and designed as an introduction for those interested in Restorative Justice facilitation. The course consists of four modules:
Introduction to RJ
Legal Considerations for the Practice of RJ
Principles and Values of RJ
Indigenous Foundations in the Practice of RJ Processes
The course provides a theoretical and practical perspective of Restorative Justice through research and anecdotal experiences. It provides an in-depth understanding for those interested in pursuing training in a specific Restorative Justice process or model.
There is a limit of 20 participants per course.
We would like to take a moment to introduce you to the instructors on this roster: Gayle Desmeules, Joanne Munro and Sue Hopgood.

Gayle Desmeules, President/CEO, True Dialogue Inc. www.truedialogue.ca.
She is a Métis Nation of Alberta citizen, M.A. in Leadership and Training, Q. Med, with 20 years of experience mediating, facilitating, and providing training in restorative justice, peacemaking mediation, and family group conferencing for government and community-based agencies. In this training, Gayle draws on her experiences working in the social-justice sector. An Instructor for the International Institute for Restorative Practices, www.iirp.edu, since 2008. Published by the Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, Putting a human face on child welfare: Voices from the Prairies (2007), Chapter 8, “A Sacred Family Circle: Family Group Conferencing.”
Joanne Munro is a nationally chartered mediator, a restorative justice facilitator and an instructor in the fields of mediation, restorative justice, restorative practices, peacemaking circles, conflict resolution, and negotiation. She was a mediator with Correctional Service Canada’s Restorative Opportunities program (serious crime victim offender dialogues) in 2019 and 2020. Joanne mediates for Alberta Justice's family mediation and civil claims programs, and is a member of the provincial police complaints mediation roster. Joanne also volunteers as a mediator and restorative justice facilitator with local community mediation programs. In private practice Joanne specializes in workplace, faith group, non-profit and separation and divorce mediation. Joanne has extensive experience in organizational/workplace assessment and mediation, and a rich background in facilitating meetings, public involvement processes (for government) and helping organizations restore their workplaces. She was a member of the ADR Institute of Alberta’s Board of Directors for several years.
Prior to entering the fascinating world of peace making, Joanne was a journalist with the Edmonton Journal, reporting in a variety of areas and then working as a columnist and editorial writer

Sue Hopgood worked for Alberta Conflict Transformation Society for 15 years. In her role there, she was the program coordinator, facilitator and trainer. Sue holds a degree in Criminal Justice from Athabasca University and is currently a director for Engage-Restorative Practices.
Sue has done extensive work in restorative justice and restorative practices in schools, the community, and the criminal justice system. She was trained as a Community Conferencing facilitator in 1998 by David Moore and John McDonald from TJA Australia and in 2000, after 2 years of facilitating experience was trained as a trainer by the same organization.
Sue has facilitated over 700 community conferences, ranging from grade one name-calling to fatality situations. She has co-conducted over 75 3-day facilitator trainings.
Sue is passionate about relationship building, conflict resolution and restorative practices, transforming the lives of people affected by conflict. Relationships are critical to all successful industries and communities. Sue is skilled at facilitating people to repair harm, heal and find reconciliation, in order to build healthy, respectful and safe environments.
Sue has been a board member for the Alberta Criminal Justice Association and recently wrapped up her chair person role and board member of Family Futures Resource Network (formerly, Millwoods Family Resource Centre).